Farmhouse Latte

I always start my day with my coffee and my Bible. What I don’t always get to is breakfast. On our farm animals eat first and sometimes things happen, so my tummy has to take a backseat to the issues at hand. But a Latte made with high quality ingredients like grass-fed, raw milk and a fresh egg can keep me going for hours.


  • 1 Fresh Egg

  • Quality Organic Fresh Ground Coffee/Espresso

  • Raw Whole Milk or Raw Cream

  • Honey (to taste)

  • Cinnamon or Vanilla (Optional)


  • Begin to brew coffee to desired amount and strength keep very hot. I use a stainless Moka Pot to brew espresso.

  • Crack 1 egg into cup and whip vigorously to combine white and yolk. You can also do just the yolk for a creamier consistency but I use both to increase my protein.

  • Begin to drizzle hot coffee very slowly into egg while whipping vigorously about a tablespoon at a time. This will temper the egg and allow it to combine with the coffee. Continue to add coffee a little at a time until the desired amount of coffee is in the cup. The egg should just thicken the coffee, it should not scramble.

  • Add honey and optional cinnamon or vanilla to coffee to your taste and stir to combine.

  • Froth Milk in a milk frother or whip with whisk by hand until light and airy.

  • Add Milk to hot coffee.

  • Garnish with Cinnamon or lightly drizzled honey and enjoy.


Simple, Classic, Easy Crepes